Logging in as?

Pet Parent

For login details and access to your pets profile and personalized weight loss plan, you will need to first enrol your pet at a Hill’s Pet Slimmer clinic in your area. Click here for more

Hill's Pet
Slimmer Clinics

For login details and access to all your practice’s pet slimmers, you will need to first become a participating Hill’s Pet Slimmer clinic. Click here for more

What shape is your pet in?

Pets can vary so much in size and shape, even within a specific breed. This can make if difficult to determine if yours is overweight.

Use our online weight assessment tools to find out.

Use the Body Condition Score tool to help determine your pet's level of risk of obesity.

Choose species

Some broader, more muscular breeds can hide excess weight fairly easily. So if your pet does not have an ideal body condition or if you are unsure, we strongly advise you set up an appointment with a Hill’s Pet Slimmer participating practice who will be able to make an accurate assessment of his weight and be able to offer you the best advice on helping your pet to reach an ideal body condition.

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Click on the option that best describes your to calculate their risk level

body fat

Help us share the dangers of pet obesity